Friday, August 28, 2015

How the Journey started...

August 28, 2015

Friday was a busy day for the Abide's. We got up early to take our daughter Emma to the Little Gym for the first time. She was excited to go and see her friends and momma was also excited to see some of her friends. Emma was shy when class started but quickly joined in while little brother was pretty sad that he wasn't able to join yet. Sucks sometimes being the younger brother. Trey and I rushed back home to go to one of two prenatal visits that day. Baby looked happy and healthy and we had made the decision to stay team "green" and not found out the sex at this time. The big 20+ week ultrasound is such a special time to see your baby grow. We were lucky enough to have Trey with us as well.

Note: My amniotic fluid index (AFI) at this ultrasound was 17. They measure pockets of fluid on the ultrasound to determine how much fluid is surrounding the baby. We have always been aware of these measurements and what they mean because our first born had low amniotic fluid at 35 weeks.

Later that day I jumped on a plane to fly to Omaha, NE to help my mom after my grandmother had died the previous Monday morning. It was the easiest flight I have had since having children. I was all by myself. About 45 minutes after landing I started to leak amniotic fluid around 11pm. We took a quick trip to the hospital where we were sent home with positive news that my amniotic fluid had not broken or was not leaking. I felt at ease that evening knowing that I got it checked out and all was negative but only could laugh at myself for the beautiful gifts of pregnancy of loosing my bladder control-this is what I had concluded at that time.

Around 4:30am I woke up in a puddle of clear fluid. I quickly realized that something was very wrong. I made a few calls and my mom and I headed back to the hospital where it was confirmed that my water had indeed broke. My AFI at this time was 14 which was still really good.

It was confirmed around 6am August 29, 2015 that my water had broke at 22 weeks and 1 day.