Friday, September 25, 2015

Day 5 in NICU

September 25th 2015

Day 5 in NICU

Abigail Rose is 26 weeks today!

Today I have been very emotional. It's the first day I haven't seen Abby. I'm also in a lot of pain, my feet and ankles are swollen, I'm physically tired and my mom left this afternoon. I have cried so many times today I have lost count. You can say my hormones have kicked in!

Abby on the other hand is doing really well. I have spoken to her wonderful nurse Brandi twice and she gave us a very detailed update. (trying to learn all the nurses names as we will be living in the NICU for 100+ days). Also, Dr. Su the physician who took her after delivered gave us an uplifted report as well. Abby had 4 apnea events this morning but after she got her morning latte aka caffeine she has done great. She responds well to the caffeine and they may add an evening caffeine dose to help her remember to breath. This is not uncommon at her age to forget to breath as their brains are immature. She is still going strong on the CPAP machine and on room air. Her feedings also are going well and she has had no residuals again today so they will be increasing her feedings to 4ml every 3 hours. It is important to introduce feedings slow to decrease her chances of getting bowel problems such as the necrotizing enterocolitis which is the death of tissue in the intestines. She will continue to get TPN and lipids in her PICC line until she is on full feeds. She has had two bowel movements today and has gained 10 grams! 

It has been so good to be home but overwhelming as well. Every feedings takes an hour or longer as I  have to wash and sanitize everything, label and freeze in small amounts. Trying to keep everything as clean as possible with two small children can be difficult. Trey thinks my breasts produce chocolate milk and asks me, "you making chocolate milk for Abby?". It is so cute!