Friday, September 4, 2015

Day One: 23 weeks and 0 days-Admission day to St. David's Women's Center of Texas

Friday September 4th 2015

St. David's Women's Center of Texas

It was a slow start Friday morning for me knowing that I was leaving our home, my babies and my husband for an unknown time. It was a blessed day knowing we had made it to 23 weeks with ruptured amniotic fluid and we were going to give this baby girl a chance at life. I still struggled with leaving my family. The night before was bittersweet, I cried with Emma and she brushed away my tears. My four year old daughter was so strong for me and reminded me that daddy said, "we would visit you lots in the hospital". We left for the hospital an hour late...

I think Emma grasped the idea that I wasn't coming home once we arrived at the hospital but Trey is to young. We arrived and after some confusion I was admitted to the Antepartum unit room 13.  IV's were started, IM steroid were given to help with lung development, IV ampicillin and oral Azithromycin to help prevent infections and blood drawn. Pelvic exam was down again and everything looked good. Another ultrasound was down and baby looked happy and health but my AFI was down again to 1.3. It was a pretty hectic day as we spoke to the MFM, hospitalist, nurses and having both kids there.

Note: When we first arrived we were put in a small observation room and Emma informed Bill and I that it wasn't going to be big enough and there was no room for decorating...I just love her! Trey pushed the call button 3 times, broke the bed, found the red code button, pulled a part out of my mini refrigerator and ran down the hall screaming....I'll miss that crazy boy!

Emma told me I was strong.

 My handsome man Friday morning 
Emma cuddling in my new room