Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Day Twelve: 24 weeks and 4 days

September 15th, 2015

Day Twelve: 24 weeks and 4 days

Today was another blessed day. I had a few contractions during the night that kept me uncomfortable but baby was happy on the monitor. Had another ultra sound today as a well check for baby. I get biophysical profiles of baby twice a week. Baby looked fantastic and scored an 8/8 on the baby's body movements, muscle tone (flexing the arms and legs), and breathing movements (the baby's ability to move her chest muscles and diaphragm), heartbeat and the amount of amniotic fluid surrounding her. We haven't scored that good since we came in. Our AFI was 2.35, this level will vary as we continue to make and lose fluid. 
Really hard to see profile of baby Abby because there is no amniotic fluid. 

Aunt Bonda made it safely Sunday night and has been settling in with the kids routine. We feel so blessed to have her help. Bill brought Aunt Bonda and the kids up to see me and as always I love seeing my family.

Had a sweet visitor this morning. Shannon and Cole visited me in the morning. Poor Cole was scared of me lying in bed. I had to get out of bed to get a hug and picture with this cutie. Shannon came with gifts from such sweet friends. Thank you so much Jen and Hannah.

Cole trying on baby Abby's hat. 

Had fun with some bubble gum!