Sunday, September 27, 2015

Day 7 in NICU

September 27th, 2015

Day 7 in NICU

Posting this a few days late....

After a wonderful visit on Saturday I was hoping for the same on Sunday. I was overwhelmed with emotions as today would be my first time holding baby Abby. I had butterflies in my tummy just thinking about it.

It was going to be a long visit as we were going to introduce the kids to Abby and grandma Rosie was  going to see baby Abby for the first time as well. A big day for our family. Grandma and I scrubbed in and went to see Abby. Only two people at a time are allowed into the NICU and you have to be accompanied by one parent of the baby in the NICU. Grandma had a nice visit with Abby.

Our nurse today was Kim and she gave Abby her first bath in the am. After her bath Abby's temperature dropped a little so we weren't 100% sure I was going to get to hold her. Otherwise her vitals were stable. Her tube feeds increased to 9ml ever 3 hours, with no residuals. She weight 1lb and 9 oz today.

Both kids were sleeping so we didn't bother waking them up to see Abby. Instead Bill and I started our care time. Changed her diaper and took her temperature. Abby's temperature was high enough that I could hold her so the nurses gathered up all her tubes, lines etc. and put her tiny body on my chest. It was the most amazing feeling holding my daughter for the first time.

Unfortunately, I only got to hold her for a short period of time as Abby's heart rate kept dropping into the 60's and she stopped breathing. We had to rub her back to stimulate her to take a breath. Her temperature also dropped when I was holding her. We weren't sure if her temperature dropping is what caused her to have bradycardia episodes or not. Either way she had to go back into her isolate quickly to get stabilized. Bill and I did get to place our hands on her back and do touch time for about five more minutes until we had to leave.

My emotions definitely took over after that event. I was so sad that I didn't get to hold her and that I was the problem she didn't do well.

So in love with my beautiful peanut!

Family photo with my double chin.....