Thursday, September 24, 2015

Day 4 in NICU

September 24th, 2015

Day 4 in NICU

Today was a happy day. Abby had a great nurse in the NICU who explained a lot to us and made me feel very comfortable leaving her there as I had pending discharge orders. I was very happy to be going home but sad to leave baby Abby. Knowing she was getting excellent care made it that much easier.

It was a busy morning packing up my room full of gifts, flowers and pictures from family, friend and my kids. I was sad to leave the room but felt so good to get out as well. We went and saw Abby in the morning and she was doing well. They decreased her CPAP to 5 and she is still on 21% (room air), her humidity is still at 72% in her little box. She had a few apnea events again but with a little touch she quickly remembered to breath. She is doing well on her tube feedings, 2ml every 3 hours and finally had her first poop! There is talk about increasing her feedings tomorrow since she isn't having many tube feeding residuals. Since my milk has started to come in they also haven't had to use any donor milk-which makes this momma really happy. She is still receiving TPN and lipids through her PICC line that was placed yesterday in her right arm. They removed her arterial line today from her umbilical cord, so she no longer has anything going through her umbilical cord. This is great news as we will get to start skin-to-skin or kangaroo care soon.  Abby's weight was 1 lb 9 oz today. Hopefully she will start gaining weight soon.

Before we left to go home we rushed to see Abby during "care time" or as some nurses call it "touch time". They try to cluster all care at once to not over stimulate the babies. During todays touch time I got to change Abby's diaper for the first time. It was such a special moment for me. My mom and I  also got to see her little face when they were adjusting her mask. Abby is one busy little girl and she always has to be holding onto something.

Abby grabbing her tube feedings

You can see her PICC line in her right arm- so tiny!

adjusting her CPAP mask

Her little puffy face. The CPAP mask squishes her tiny face a little.

Her left foot is still a little bruised from kicking herself out of my cervix

Grandma Nancy taking one last picture before we left. 

Some family and friends have been asking if they can see Abby in the NICU. The NICU has strict rules on visitors and for good reason. Before entering the unit you have to scrub your hands for 3 minutes with a surgical cleaning sponge to keep infection, germs etc. out. Babies immune systems aren't developed so it's very important to be update on vaccines and good hygiene needs to be used during the visit. For example no touching face, hair, mouth and even your cell phone. If you do you need to use the foaming cleaner at the bedside. At this time only Abby's parents and grandparents can visits. Emma and Trey can visit once a week for 15 minutes but they have to show proof of up-to-date vaccines and have to take their temperature before entering. Emma and Trey have not yet seen Abby.  

My mom and I leaving room 13 with all my stuff

checking out of the hospital 

My words of encouragement