Sunday, November 8, 2015

Day 49 in NICU

November 8th 2015

Day 49 in NICU

Sunday Sunday

Today we spent lunch with family in south Austin before Rachel and Charles went home. Charles also visited Abby with Bill today. So sweet that Abby got to meet both her aunt and uncle today.

cutest lunch date ever!


Rachel and Charles were visiting this weekend. They were actually going to visit last weekend but due to heavy rain, flooding and a tornado it was postponed. From day one of Abby being in the NICU we knew we wanted Rachel and Charles to see her. We knew we wanted them to be 2 of our 4 visitors to visit with her. As a non-catholic and someone who wasn't very religious growing up I really never understood the true meaning of Godparents. Over the years and through my spiritual journey I have learned that it means so much more than I originally thought... 

Through the years and especially the last couple of years I personally have gotten to know and love Charles and Rachel. Rachel is like a sister and I'm blessed to have such an amazing women in my life. When Bill and I got pregnant we knew we wanted them to be Godparents. Through our Journey with Abby both Charles and Rachel have been by our side. God's work is amazing-he has brought our tiny dancer into this world and she has already taught us so much about God, faith, prayer, community, family and friends. Truly amazing what 1lb 15 oz can do. We are blessed to have Rachel and Charles in our lives and to have them be Abby's God parents. She will grow into this world with such a loving family.