Saturday, September 12, 2015

Day Nine: 24 Weeks and 1 day

September 12th 2015

23 Weeks and 1 day today

Feels so good to have made it one day past the 23 week mark. For those of you interested in the survival of infants born at 24 weeks check out the statistics. Gone up a lot in one week!

Charles and Rachel brought the kids up to the hospital while Bill rounded on his patients this morning. I get so excited to see my babies and Elise. They are such blessings.

Rachel and Charles watched the kids during the evening so Bill and I could have a date night in my room after he was done with work. Thank you!
The night wouldn't be complete without some excitement. Baby Abby was having a lot of abnormal heart rates last night so we had to do some extra monitoring and I had to sleep with my body and head down to keep pressure off of my pelvis. Everything turned out okay and baby Abby did great after we repositioned. 
Opened day 8 a day late. Trey was happy....

Words of Encouragement:

So do not fear for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous hand.

Isaiah 41:10