Saturday, September 5, 2015

Day Two: 23 weeks and 1 day

Day Two: 23 weeks and 1 day.

It was weird waking up this morning in a hospital bed and it's very difficult to be on this side of things. I had a rough start to the morning as I started to spot blood. I felt an overwhelming aloneness as I was in fact alone. Tears started flowing as I told Bill to come as quickly as possible because I needed his support. There will be many days like this but the unknown is always scary.

Thankful for the wonderful nursing staff who told me that "spotting" happens and it could mean cervical changes or nothing at all. IV antibiotics continued today, second dose of steroids was given and I'm on bedrest. No shower privileges or wheel chair privileges at this time. Talked to neonatologist today and she gave us our outcomes at St. David's and what to expect if we delivered in the next couple of days. Every day we stay pregnant our chances of survival go up 3%!

Rachel and Charles drove down late Friday night to help Bill with the kids this weekend. They got a stomach bug so they weren't able to visit with me on Saturday but Bill brought Emma down to help decorate my room and bring some items. Rachel made me daily hospital bags with all sorts of goodies in them. I didn't want to start my Day 1 bag until I made it to the hospital. So today Emma and I got to open our first bag together. We had fun!

Word of Encouragement:

For I know the thoughts that I think towards you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.

            Jeremiah 29:11