Saturday, October 10, 2015

Day 20 in NICU

October 10th 2015

Day 20 in NICU

28 Weeks and 1 Day

Daddy went to go see Abby today and they spend some quality time together. Abby loves kangaroo care with her warm daddy. I got to spend some much needed quality time with Emma and Trey at her soccer game. It was also picture day so we got to put her hair in cute braided pigtails.

When Bill arrived Abby had been put on SYPAP. SYPAP is like BIPAP from what I understand and it is similar to CPAP. The difference is that it helps with inhalation and exhalation and has a set rate of breaths, giving Abby more oxygen support. Friday Abby kept having some nasty spells of apnea and it was difficult for her to get her oxygen levels back up with out help. Putting her on SYPAP will help more and let her rest. Rest is so important at her stage as she needs to gain weight and develop.

Switching Abby to SYPAP is a minor setback BUT one that is expected at her gestational age. Just to be on the safe side the neonatologist also ordered blood work to be done to make sure she wasn't getting an infection. Her labs looked good and actually showed that her platelet count had decreased to 700,000. Abby was 890 grams today-almost time to celebrate! We will continue to pray for our sweet Abby Sparkle Rose.