Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Day 66 in NICU

November 25th 2015

We are having another blessed day with little miss Abby. She is getting so big and strong and each day she amazes me. She was albs 6 oz today. She also has recovered well from her vaccines and hasn't had anymore breathing episodes, so once again she is pulling off her oxygen letting us know she doesn't need it anymore.

Jennifer her primary nurse was here today and helped me give Abby her bath. I love giving Abby a bath under the warming light, she seems to really enjoy our time together. Abby was wide awake after her bath and nursed for 12 minutes. She seems to really enjoy breastfeeding and this makes mommy so happy. It's such a wonderful bonding experience.

See mom I don't need my oxygen anymore

My paci is bigger than my face!

Mom seriously I don't need this thing anymore!