Sunday, October 4, 2015

Day 14 in NICU

October 4th 2015

Day 14 in NICU

Before Abby turns 2 weeks old we decided that Sunday Funday would be a good day to introduce Abby to the kids. Emma was ready to "try again" and Trey was so excited to be a big brother.

On the way up to see Abby today Dr. Su, Abby's neonatologist called to notify us about increasing her feeds as her weight increases. So about every 3 days her food intake will be increased to meet the demands of her growing body. She currently is getting 18ml every 3 hours with a fortifier.

Abby has been doing so well that getting today's news of high platelet count (almost 1 million) was not surprising as it can be a pretty bumpy road having a NICU baby. Any parent that has been in our shoes can testify to that. Abby's blood work showed Epogen (Epo) (Erythropoietin) is working. Epogen is a hormone that regulates red blood cell production and in the premature infant it can help treat low blood cell count and help prevent the need for a blood transfusion. It was given as a shot 3 times a week. We were excited about not having to give her a blood transfusion, which we were under the impression most micro preemies end up getting one at some point. We thought "WOW"Abby is truly a little rock star! As she is still our little rock star the Epogen increased her platelet count to a dangerous level after only one week of Epogen shots. Dr. Su insured us that he is %100 sure that the high platelet count is from the Epogen and not something more concerning such as a liver or bone marrow problem. We will re-test next Sunday. Please pray that the platelet levels come down.

Abby's weight was 1 lb 14 oz today and we are hoping to celebrate the 2 pound milestone soon! She is starting to have more and more apnea events but this is okay and just showing us that she needs her CPAP. She remains on CPAP of 21% PEEP of 5. Abby's Isolate no longer has any humidity and will start swaddling her this evening. Once she starts regulating her body temperature more and being swaddled we will get to do kangaroo care longer. Actually saw Dr. Su today while I was doing skin-to-skin and he was showing me Abby's growth chart -she is in the 20th percentile. Good job Abby!

By the time we got to the hospital the kids were asleep so I went up and did some kangaroo care with her while Bill drove the kids around for a nap. I got to hold her for about 1 hour before I got the text from Bill the kids were ready.

Kids got to see Abby for the first time today. It was such a special moment watching the kids scrub in for the first time. After scrubbing their hands they held them together (prayer hands) and waiting so patiently to get their temperature taken. Only two people allowed to go back at a time so Bill took Emma first as he can pick the kids up to look into her isolate. Emma was so curiously about all the lines and tubes. Bill came back and took Trey who was waiting so very patiently (very hard for him to do). Bill said Trey asked why Abby was in a Kennel and when the nurse asked what your baby sister's name was he proudly said-Abby SPARKLE Rose. When he was done he told me she was "so cute" and that he wanted to take her home....


Kids scrubbing in with Daddy. You can see the timer in the left corner. You have to scrub in for 3 minutes. Trey had fun playing in the water. 

Trey's new haircut he got before seeing Abby. 

She already has a SOC #
Important of Kangaroo care