Thursday, October 22, 2015

Day 32 in NICU

October 22nd 2015

Day 32 in NICU

Today was a big day for Abby-she got her first paci! 

I had a rough start to my day and I started to feel crummy in the morning. I think the stress of the move, my kids not sleeping, me not sleeping, pumping 24/7 and traveling to see Abby everyday started to get to me. I still wanted to see her but didn't want the risk her getting sick so I didn't do skin-to-skin. When I arrived Abby had her hand out like she was doing a push-up! So cute.

I was really upset that I wasn't going to get to hold her and I had such a wonderful nurse who helped me overcome today's feelings. She also was a NICU mom who became a NICU nurse-->this may be my calling too in the future. Anyways, Abby was 2 lbs 6 oz -growing steadily. CPAP remains at 21% and she continues to tolerate her feedings.

We gave Abby a paci today because she was smacking her lips and sucking on her tube feeding tube. She took it right away and was sucking on it! This is a huge developmental milestone. When her paci fell out she was actually rooting for it, turning her head side to side. It was so amazing and I was crying happy tears at the bedside. Wish Bill was there to see her. Her eyes were open and she was so content.

Her little paci.