Thursday, October 29, 2015

Day 39 in NICU

October 29th 2015

Day 39 in NICU

Baby girl got a lot of blood taken this morning-4ml which Dr. Su said is about 4% of her body weight. You could definitely tell it took a lot out of Abby today as she was lethargic when I visited today at noon, she also looked more pale. I stayed with her a long time and held her for over 2 1/2 hours. She really needed her mommy today. She had a really bad episode while we were visiting as well. Overall, I didn't feel good about leaving her so Bill and I decided to visit again in the evening. When we arrived I could already tell her skin color looked better. Daddy got to hold his baby girl and all was better.

Abby's weight was 2lbs and 13oz (1270 grams). Seems like a big jump so we will see if it's accurate tomorrow.

The kids had a Halloween party at school. Trey was so excited to wear his costume.