Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Back to Austin

September 1st, 2015 

The drive was great. Bill got us home safely and kids pretty much slept the whole time. A blessing in it's self. Weird coming home to our house with no dogs but I was happy to be home. 

Mark and Cara were driving behind us to help Bill and I make it to Friday. Bill and I decided it was best for him to finish his work week as long as we had help as we both knew a lot of unexpected days were ahead of us. I was so thankful for all their help. Cara and Mark cleaned, cooked, took care of the  kids and even took Trey to his doctor's appointment. Where Trey is finally getting bigger. No more weight checks or concerns on his growth. Such great news for this momma. 

Next few days I rested, drank a lot of water and I prayed for Friday morning to come. I had no fever or contractions. 

Good Morning Dallas

September 1st, 2015

It was a late night arriving into Dallas but we were happily greeted by Mark at 2 in the morning. Cara and Mark were so kind and let us stay in their master bedroom AND let me tell you how comfortable their bed was after spending 3 nights in a hospital bed.

Not a lot of sleep but I was so happy to see my babies in the morning. It was so nice knowing that while I was in the hospital in Omaha my kids were so well taken care of, safe, happy and being loved on by all our wonderful family.

We didn't stay long in Dallas as Bill and I decided it was best for us to get back to Austin as soon as possible just in case something came up. We were all tired, emotional but fever and contraction free. We just had to make it till Friday to give this little girl a chance.