Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Day 3 in NICU

September 23rd, 2015

Today is Abby's 3rd day in the NICU

I had a hard time sleeping last night knowing today Abby would be getting her brain ultrasound to determine if she had any trauma or bleeding on her brain. We hadn't heard from the nurses and we are learning no news is good news so we were praying that we would get our prayers answered today. Visiting hours aren't until 10am in the morning so we had to wait.

We got amazing news that Abby's brain look perfect and their was no bleeding on the brain! Although, it could still happen at anytime we were told most damage will show up in the first 48 hours are so. Abby's central line that was placed in her umbilical cord had fallen out so I had to consent for a PICC line to be placed in her tiny arm. She remained on the bili light throughout the day. Abby's weight today was 1 lb 10 oz. 

Tiny little diapers for Abby

Emma had fun today at home face painting with Miss Samantha

Abby has been digesting some breastmilk with few residuals today and I have started to make some colostrum!
Blood gases looked perfect today. She remains on CPAP at 21% (room air)

Pretty in Pink Abby has good vital signs

Getting to hold her hand during touch time in the evening