Sunday, October 11, 2015

Day 21 in NICU

October 11th 2015

Day 21 in NICU

Sunday Funday!

Today was another blessed Sunday. We got to spend some much needed family time together picking out a new BBQ for daddy and seeing baby Abby in the NICU. The kids get so excited to see her. 

Abby is doing well and all her lab work looks good. Her sodium levels are a little low so they will start replacing her sodium with her feeds.  She remains on the BiPAP, her belly is soft and she is tolerating her feeds. When Bill took Trey back to see Abby he got to talk with Dr. Su the neonatologist. He talked about how well Abby was doing. Abby also made a huge milestone today of reaching the 2 pound mark! Her weight was 920 grams today! Before we celebrate we want to make sure Abby can sustain her weight for a few days. 

Thank you for all your prayers!

Fun Park time while I did skin-to-skin

Thank you!

Thank you!

I really want to thank all my friends, family and people I don't know for all the support and prayers. The text messages, Facebook messages, emails, cards etc.  with sweet comments of encouragement mean so much to us. Aunt Bonda has been such a blessing and has helped us in so many ways! 

I also wanted to thank those who have been helping us with meals. Some of those who I have never meet. Thank you so much!