Tuesday, September 22, 2015

First 24 hours in NICU

September 22nd 2015

First 24 hours in NICU

Abby is officially one day old today. She did well over night. Her oxygen levels, blood work and x-rays all looked good. She has remained on CPAP at room air and only had a few episodes of apnea in the evening but overall is doing really well. The nurses and neonatologist keep telling us she is doing really well for the first 24 hours. This journey will be a roller coaster as Abby will have her good days and bad but we are feeling so blessed to see her breathing on her own and wiggling all around.

Abby got her first feeding today. I have made a little colostrum and the NICU has added some donor breast milk until all my milk comes in.
Abby's first feeding
Her little feet

Proud daddy

They started her on a bili light because her bilirubin levels increased. She is such a cute glow bug!