Monday, August 31, 2015

See ya later Omaha

August 31st, 2015

Another positive day. We got news that we may be able to leave Omaha today after seeing the MFM. We were scheduled for an ultra sound of baby before meeting with the specialist to talk about options and progress.

I was nervous for the ultra sound as I had lost a lot of amniotic fluid on Saturday and Sunday. We were informed that it is a good thing that the fluid continues to come as this is a positive sign that baby's kidneys are working well and reproducing amniotic fluid. Even a little amniotic fluid can help the baby develop their lungs. A lot of complications with low amniotic fluid but we are most concerned with infection, onset of labor and stress on baby. 

Ultrasound went well. Heart rate was in the 150's, baby was practice breathing, measuring right on due date, 1 lb 2 oz, happy and healthy. AFI had dropped to a 4 and it looked like baby was completely squished. We had decided before the ultra sound that we would find out the sex of the baby. I was over joyed to find out that my tiny dancer was GIRL! Girls statistically mature faster than boys and have better outcomes. We truly felt like a prayer had been answered. My brother had told me, "if she is anything like you, then she is sure a fighter".

MFM was happy with what she saw and was very positive for us. She suggested that we start on IM progesterone shots which can delay early labor. It has statistically not shown to be positive nor negative with PROM. However, she said she would do it if she ruptures at 23 weeks, can't hurt and it has the ability to relax the uterus and reproduce the mucus plug which can help decrease infection. So  why not! Man oh Man did that IM shot hurt though-pure maple syrup in a syringe.

Bill organized a rental car and we started our long drive to Dallas, TX that evening to pick up the kids before leaving for Austin. A 10 hour drive that ended at 2:30am with safe arrival to Cara and Mark's new house. Thank goodness my husband loves to drive and is safe on the road. Another blessing in the books.

I was so happy to get to Dallas to see my precious babies but was bittersweet to leave my mom in Omaha. She was grieving the loss of her mother and I felt that I wasn't their for her in that difficult time. She was by my side the whole weekend and I love her so much for that. She was an amazing nurse to me and mom!

Kids having a fun time with family in Dallas!

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Bill arrived in Omaha!

Sunday August 30th, 2015

Sunday was a new day, a blessed day AND Bill arrived. I was so happy and relieved to have him by my side. He truly is my rock, best friend and I love him so much. We also got some more positive news today from the doctors. It seemed that making it past the first 24 hours was a huge accomplishment. My mom and I agreed that today was a happier day. We still knew their was a long journey ahead but today was a day of research, how we would get home and where I would go when we got home.

Bill was being a great patient.

Doctor's advised us to drive as their was no research showing the effects of the airplanes barometric pressure on the uterus at such an early stage.

Kids were in good hands with wonderful family. Seriously couldn't have done this without them.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

On Saturday

Saturday August 29, 2015

Saturday was a devastating day for me. I was full of emotions but one thing I could not ignore is the babies movement. This little 1 lb 1 oz baby was dancing like crazy in my belly. It was heart breaking to me how happy and healthy this little tiny dancer was inside of me knowing if it entered this world it would not be able to take a breath. I was reassured by staff that their is nothing I could have done different. I trust God has a plan for us...

The news...

Saturday 29th, 2015

Saturday was a very difficult day for me and my family. Although, I wasn't alone because my mom was at my side it was very difficult to get the news. I contribute a lot of my tears and sadness to the reality of the situation, that I hadn't slept and my body was failing this baby's chance at life. 

During the day we were visited by many wonderful physicians. Ranging from residents, senior residents, staff and the most important visit from the maternal fetal specialist (MFM). I will mention Dr. Smith's name because he was truly so sweet and caring and we are still in touch as we go through this journey. On Saturday Dr. Smith was very honest with me on the situation. Babies don't do well and truly don't have a chance at survival due to their premature lungs at 22 weeks. Mother's also have a 50% chance of delivering within 24-72 hours of their water breaking. He instructed us that the safest thing for me to do is to remain in the hospital to be monitored for infection and onset of labor. Once we overcame the 24-72 hour time line, we needed to figure out a way home. He didn't want us traveling within the 24-72 hour time frame back to Austin knowing the odds of labor and infection were not safe for mom. The outcome of baby at this was the same but the risk of infection could be deadly on mom. 

Standard of care for mother's who have premature rupture of their membranes (PROM) is to start a course of IV antibiotics, oral antibiotics, steroids, IV magnesium, monitoring for infections, bedrest and lots of oral hydration. This care would not start until 23 weeks.

After speaking with the physicians it was determined that Bill needed to fly to Omaha, NE to be with me and the baby in this difficult time. We were so grateful that Bill's parents and driven in that very same day to help with the kids while I was away because Bill was actually on-call this weekend.  His mom was willing to drive all the way back to Dallas late that night so family could take care of Emma and Trey while Bill flew to Omaha early Sunday morning. 

I was so blessed to have my mother at my side that Saturday we we received the news together. It really needed my "mommy". She held my hand and stayed positive for me. I also felt my grandmother with me that day. My mother had given my my grandmother's diamond ring to me on Saturday and it was a very special gift. 

We also feel blessed that Bill works with such a wonderful group of people and physicians that were all willing to pick up his call and clinical while he took care of our family needs. 

Friday, August 28, 2015

How the Journey started...

August 28, 2015

Friday was a busy day for the Abide's. We got up early to take our daughter Emma to the Little Gym for the first time. She was excited to go and see her friends and momma was also excited to see some of her friends. Emma was shy when class started but quickly joined in while little brother was pretty sad that he wasn't able to join yet. Sucks sometimes being the younger brother. Trey and I rushed back home to go to one of two prenatal visits that day. Baby looked happy and healthy and we had made the decision to stay team "green" and not found out the sex at this time. The big 20+ week ultrasound is such a special time to see your baby grow. We were lucky enough to have Trey with us as well.

Note: My amniotic fluid index (AFI) at this ultrasound was 17. They measure pockets of fluid on the ultrasound to determine how much fluid is surrounding the baby. We have always been aware of these measurements and what they mean because our first born had low amniotic fluid at 35 weeks.

Later that day I jumped on a plane to fly to Omaha, NE to help my mom after my grandmother had died the previous Monday morning. It was the easiest flight I have had since having children. I was all by myself. About 45 minutes after landing I started to leak amniotic fluid around 11pm. We took a quick trip to the hospital where we were sent home with positive news that my amniotic fluid had not broken or was not leaking. I felt at ease that evening knowing that I got it checked out and all was negative but only could laugh at myself for the beautiful gifts of pregnancy of loosing my bladder control-this is what I had concluded at that time.

Around 4:30am I woke up in a puddle of clear fluid. I quickly realized that something was very wrong. I made a few calls and my mom and I headed back to the hospital where it was confirmed that my water had indeed broke. My AFI at this time was 14 which was still really good.

It was confirmed around 6am August 29, 2015 that my water had broke at 22 weeks and 1 day.