Saturday, September 26, 2015

Day 6 in NICU

September 26th 2015

Day 6 in NICU

26 weeks and 1 day old

I was so anxious to see Abby today. I called the nurse as early as I could to figure out what would be the best time to see Abby today. Abby remained stable over night with no changes. After Dr. Su rounded in the am they increased her tube feedings to 6ml every 3 hours. She is doing well with her feedings and has gained some weight today. She was 1 lb 11oz. Her weight will fluctuate as sometimes they weigh her with her CPAP on and other times they get the opportunity to take it off. 

Megan was Abby's NICU nurse today and we really bonded with her. She also had a baby early and we had similar stories. Her son is 6 years old now and had his first soccer game today. She was such a sweet and carrying nurse. 

We knew today going up to see Abby that there was a possibility of us getting to hold her and Bill and I were so excited. When we arrived we took Abby's temperature and changed her diaper together. Then we got ready to hold Abby Rose for the first time. I really wanted Bill to have the honors of holding his precious little girl for the first time. Plus daddy's are the best to snuggle with. Bill was very nervous at first but once he got her on his chest his smile said everything. It was such a special moment as parents and I will cherish today forever. 

Skin-to-skin care has so many benefits that we didn't know about. It really can improve babies outcome so it's important to do it as much as possible. They want parents to hold baby for a minimum of an hour each time and as close to the skin as possible. Moving baby to much can be overwhelming for baby and he/she may not tolerate it, so once they get settled on your chest it's best to keep them there for as long as you can or baby tolerates it. Abby snuggled right into Bill's chest and fell asleep. Such an amazing site to see and she tolerated it so well-in fact her vital signs improved.

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