Monday, November 30, 2015

Day 71 in NICU-10 Week Old Today

November 30th, 2015

10 Weeks old Today

Abby is doing well. She has gained a little weight, 12 grams. Doctor has increased her feedings to 4 times by mouth today, the other 4 feedings will go down her feeding tube still. They have stopped everything but Abby's caffeine, vitamins and iron. She will go home on the vitamins and iron most likely and I will have to mix the in a bottle. Abby nursed twice today and took two good bottles. She is doing so well. We are so proud of our beautiful girl.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Day 70 in NICU

November 29th, 2015

I wasn't feeling well still so Bill went up to see Abby today. He had a special day with Abby and she ate really well. She took 40ml from the bottle. Dad is a pro at feeding miss Abby. Abby had gained her weight back weighing in at 4 lbs 9.1 oz today.  

It's hard to believe we have been in the NICU for 70 days. It's been a long road but I'm so thankful for  my wonderful husband and family. 

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Day 69 in NICU

November 28th 2015

Abby had a good first night being off of oxygen. I really was worrying about this as she still has some breathing episodes but she did wonderful. It was like the oxygen was bothering her and she just needed it off. It's been amazing to see her little face without the oxygen on and it has really helped her nurse better. It seemed to be getting in the way. As Abby has become stronger she is getting the chance to nurse more. On the flip side of that, she isn't getting as many calories with my breastmilk when she nurses because it isn't being fortified. Abby lost 38 grams last night.

Abby had another eye exam again today and she looked good. He will follow-up in two weeks. 

When I got home I built the kids a movie theater but I soon became sick...The stomach flu had finally gotten to me.

Friday, November 27, 2015

Day 68 in NICU

November 27th 2015

Oxygen is Off at 35 Weeks!

We heard you Abby! Abby has been telling us for days she was ready to take off the oxygen and it was just a matter of time before the doctors thought so too. Its such a special day when we get to celebrate another milestone for miss Abby. Abby has been working hard to get her oxygen off and good thing because after 36 weeks if she still had oxygen needs she would be worked up for chronic lung problems. 

Milk drunk smiles..

The day after thanksgiving is traditionally the day we get our christmas tree and we didn't want to disappoint. No rain was going to stop us either. Kids were so excited to decorate until Emma started to get the stomach flu/bug. We didn't want to decorate without her so we just got the tree set up.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Day 67 in NICU-Thanksgiving Day!

November 26th 2015

Happy Thanksgiving! 

Happy Thanksgiving. Grandpa and Grandma got in yesterday to visit for the holidays. Always nice to have family visit. We got up this am and headed to the hospital to see Abby on her first thanksgiving. Bill dropped me off before he headed over to Aunt Angela and uncle Georges house to celebrate. I was going to spend some time with Abby before enjoying some turkey.

 Abby's favorite nurse, Jennifer made Abby her first tu tu and special turkey day shirt made from her very own hand print. She looked so cute! She weight 4.7 pounds today and was wide awake when daddy got there to visit. She is becoming more and more alert when she hears our voices.

 Today was also Michael's birthday. We had a fun time celebrating his 17th birthday.