Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Day 52 in NICU

November 11 2015

Grandma Arrives Today

Abby had another eye exam today and it was fuzzy. Not sure what that means but we will have a repeat in about one week. Got to visit with Dr. Su today and we talked about transferring her to CTMC now that she is getting a little better. Not sure if this will ever happen but would be nice to have baby girl 5 minutes away instead of an hour one way. Abby weighed 3lbs 8 oz today and is tolerating all her feedings well.

I got the okay to nuzzle with Abby today aka try breast feeding. Abby did latch on and took a couple of sucks. This was pretty exciting to see that she was interested.  Looking forward to this bounding experience with my baby girl.

Picked up Grandma today on the way home from the hospital. Excited for her to see how much Abby has grown.

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