Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Day Five: 23 weeks and 4 days

September 8th 2015

Day 5: 23 weeks and 4 days

Today was another blessed day! Got to see baby girl on ultrasounds again. She has a strong heart beat but she is squished in there. She is literally folded in half like a burrito, such a flexible little dancer. We will continue to get ultrasounds twice a week. 

Words of Encouragement:

Do not be afraid, stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, which He will accomplish for you today. The Lord will fight for you, and shall hold your peace.

Exodus 14:13 
Rachel's daily gift bags come with words of encouragement that a place on the door.

Wasn't able to see the kids because Trey came down with the nasty stomach bug but daddy is being a great nurse. It was Emma's first day of preschool today and I was so upset that I missed it but daddy did a great job getting her to school. Trey unfortunately had to miss his first day due to the stomach bug but was lucky enough to spend the day with daddy at work. YES-poor Bill had to take his throwing up, diarrhea 2 year old to his office so he could see patients.  Thankfully Bill's wonderful transcriptionist took care of him.

No fever or contractions today for me. Talked to the Maternal Fetal Specialist and we decided to start IV magnesium tonight as part of the plan to help neurological function in Abby when she is born.  You start with a 6 gram bolus dose then continue on a maintains does for 12 hours. I have heard some pretty bad stories about magnesium so I'm nervous for tonights journey but staying positive that I'm getting the chance to get it. Magnesium can make you feel like you have the flu so please pray for me. 

Had another special visitor today. Having visitors really makes the time go buy faster and helps me keep my mind off of the kids. It was so nice to see Liz today and her beautiful and happy baby girl. Struggling more and more each day not being able to see my own babies. Praying that they get healthy soon so they can come see me in the hospital. 

Baby Rachel Cedrone

Gifts from Austin Heart-Thank you!

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