Monday, September 28, 2015

Day 8 in NICU-1 Week Old Today!

September 28th 2015

Day 8 in NICU

Abby is 1 Week Old Today!

Today Bill and I visited Abby late in the evening around 8pm. She had a rough day with increased apnea events. We have been reassured that this is normal for her age, but it is still worrisome for us too see. We did care time this evening-changed her diaper and took her temp. Her bottom has started to get red and break down so we started to put cream on it. She has tolerated tube feeds so they have increased them again to 12ml every 3 hours and she is tolerating the increased dose. They are also giving the feedings over an hour-something we suggested. With increased tube feeding means we got to go down on TPN to 1ml/hr. It is looking like we will get to take out the PICC line soon as long as she continues to tolerate feedings. They have also decreased the humidity in her isolate to 60% from 72%. CPAP remains the same at 21% with peep of 5. She has gained 20 grams and is now 1 lb 10oz!

We weren't able to hold Abby today because of all the apnea events but we did place our hands on her body and held her hand inside the isolate. It is important that she gets the human "touch" daily.

She is always kicking her feet 

Respiratory therapy took off her CPAP to assess her face and head for skin breakdown and we got to see her beautiful face and all of her dark hair. She is truly another Abide girl!

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