Monday, October 5, 2015

Day 15 in NICU-2 Weeks Old Today!

October 5th, 2015

Day 15 in NICU

Abby is 2 Weeks Old Today!

Today Abby is 2 weeks old and 27 weeks and 3 days gestational age. It is also my 2 week follow-up for my c-section. 

Everything looked great at my check-up and it was good to see Dr. Fay. It's still very hard for me to talk about everything and how Abby is doing without crying so I was truly holding back tears during my appointment. Since I had my appointment in the middle of the day Bill and I had planned to go see Abby this evening.

We got there a little early to do her 9 pm care time.  The nurse let us do her weight this evening as they typically weigh babies in the evening. Her weight was 1 lb 14 oz and then when we rechecked she was 1lb 15 oz! Almost at the 2 lb milestone.  Abby's apnea events have increased so there is talk about giving her some caffeine in the evenings to help remind her to breath. They did a caffeine test to make sure she was a a therapeutic level and she was. The blood test took only 0.1ml of blood-SO TINY.

Daddy got to do Kangaroo care with Abby this evening. She truly loves being on her daddy's warm chest. Her little left hand was rubbing his chest and you could see how calm she became.

Family Photo!

She gets to wear preemie clothes now! She is getting so big!

Abby gets to be swaddled now too!

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