Friday, October 9, 2015

Day 19 in NICU

October 9th 2015

Day 19 in NICU

28 Weeks Old Today!

Grow Abby Grow! We were really cheering for Abby to make the 2 lb mark before 28 weeks gestational age and we are so close! Each day she is gaining a little and looking at her growth in grams has helped this momma feel better about it. It's hard to see her growth when you talk in pounds and ounces. She official is back to her inflated birth weight of 890 grams!!! I say inflated because that is what the neonatalogist that was there for delivery keeps telling us. She was most likely not 890 grams at birth weight but smaller. You can see this on her growth chart below.

Got up to see Abby today around noon. She did really well but had one bad episode. Her oxygen level dropped significantly and we couldn't get her back up without increasing her oxygen. Other than that it seems that she is tolerating her feedings well with little residuals, her belly remains soft and her skin color looks better today. 

Happy Momma!

Love her long fingers and love that she rubs my chest.

Got to put this special prayer blanket on today for Abby's.

Vitals are looking good.

890 grams!!! Go Abby Go!

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