Friday, October 16, 2015

Day 26 in NICU

October 16th 2015

Day 26 in NICU

29 Weeks Gestational Age 

Since I arrived to the hospital so late last night I got a hotel in North Austin. Although I still had to get up every 3 hours to pump I did get to sleep in until 9am. It was glorious!

I was really hoping since I got a hotel in North Austin I would get to spend the day with Abby with multiple care times. Unfortunately, since she has been having apnea episodes this wasn't going to be possible. She had a better night and was doing well when I arrived. Since she didn't have the best day prior they ran labs on Abby just to make sure no infection was brewing-all her labs looked fine. There is talk about starting a new drug that would replace her caffeine called theophylline. It's in the same class of drugs as caffeine but can help with apnea events better in some preemies. Her feedings were increased to 20ml every 3 hours and they may add some fat to her diet as well to help her increase her weight gain. Her weight decreased today to 970 grams but she is sustaining her 2 pounds so we celebrated this amazing milestone with family this evening!

We had such a good day together!

Just love all her dark hair!

Bird flew into the cafeteria. Had to capture the funny moment for Miss Abby. 

Got to visit with Aunt Anna and her handsome little man for a late lunch after visiting Abby. Nothing better than visiting with a sweet friend who has been so supportive through this journey! 

Family time! 

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