Monday, November 2, 2015

Day 43 in NICU-6 Weeks Old

November 2nd 2015

Day 43 in NICU

6 Weeks Old

Happy 6 weeks old to my tiny dancer! Cant believe how well you are doing, you are such a strong and beautiful little girl.

We got some good lab results back today. Looks like Abby has started to make her own red blood cells and her hemoglobin and hematocrit have all come up. She remains in 3L NC and is doing well with the switch. Unfortunately she isn't gaining the weight the doctors would like so we have added fat to her diet. Praying she tolerates the new added fat well.

Got to meet with physical therapy today. They are so nice and informative. Learned about stress cues and ways to help Abby grow developmentally. Cant wait to work with her.

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