Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Day 10 in NICU

September 30th 2015

Day 10 in NICU

26 weeks and 5 days

I was not able to see Abby today but she had a good report from her nurses. I was scared to call in the am as today was supposed to be the day she had her BIG head ultrasound to look for any problems. Bill called and it turns out it's tomorrow. So I got all worried and stressed out for nothing....

Tube feeds were increased to 14ml every 3 hours and she is tolerating them well. She finished her bag of TPN and lipids and doctor gave the orders to remove her PICC line. This is a HUGE milestone. This doesn't mean she won't have to get another one at some time but we can continue to pray that she doesn't have to get another one. She continues to have the apnea events so she will continue to remain on CPAP and caffeine for a while.

Aunt Bonda having fun with the kids!

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Day 9 in NICU

September 29th 2015

Day 9 in NICU

26 weeks and 4 days old

I was anxious to get to the hospital today as I got uplifting news that I could try and hold Abby again today. I am still unable to drive due to my c-section so Aunt Bonda was kind enough to drive me up to see Abby.

Abby had 3 apnea events in the am but once she got her am latte the nurse said she was doing better. TF still remained at 12ml every 3 hours with little to no residuals.  They started adding iron supplements and a liquid multivitamin to her tube feedings in preperation to getting her PICC line out and stopping lipids and TPN. Her bottom still remains red so I hope they leave her bottom to air so it can heal up. Everything else remained the same.

I got to hold Abby for about 1.5 hours before we had to leave to get the kids in San Marcos. It was an amazing feeling holding her little warm body against mine.

Baby Abby right before I got to hold her

Emma also had her second soccer game this evening. It was the first time I have gotten to see her play  since I was in the hospital for most practices and her first game. She really struggles with getting out there and playing so her daddy has to hold her hand.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Day 8 in NICU-1 Week Old Today!

September 28th 2015

Day 8 in NICU

Abby is 1 Week Old Today!

Today Bill and I visited Abby late in the evening around 8pm. She had a rough day with increased apnea events. We have been reassured that this is normal for her age, but it is still worrisome for us too see. We did care time this evening-changed her diaper and took her temp. Her bottom has started to get red and break down so we started to put cream on it. She has tolerated tube feeds so they have increased them again to 12ml every 3 hours and she is tolerating the increased dose. They are also giving the feedings over an hour-something we suggested. With increased tube feeding means we got to go down on TPN to 1ml/hr. It is looking like we will get to take out the PICC line soon as long as she continues to tolerate feedings. They have also decreased the humidity in her isolate to 60% from 72%. CPAP remains the same at 21% with peep of 5. She has gained 20 grams and is now 1 lb 10oz!

We weren't able to hold Abby today because of all the apnea events but we did place our hands on her body and held her hand inside the isolate. It is important that she gets the human "touch" daily.

She is always kicking her feet 

Respiratory therapy took off her CPAP to assess her face and head for skin breakdown and we got to see her beautiful face and all of her dark hair. She is truly another Abide girl!

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Day 7 in NICU

September 27th, 2015

Day 7 in NICU

Posting this a few days late....

After a wonderful visit on Saturday I was hoping for the same on Sunday. I was overwhelmed with emotions as today would be my first time holding baby Abby. I had butterflies in my tummy just thinking about it.

It was going to be a long visit as we were going to introduce the kids to Abby and grandma Rosie was  going to see baby Abby for the first time as well. A big day for our family. Grandma and I scrubbed in and went to see Abby. Only two people at a time are allowed into the NICU and you have to be accompanied by one parent of the baby in the NICU. Grandma had a nice visit with Abby.

Our nurse today was Kim and she gave Abby her first bath in the am. After her bath Abby's temperature dropped a little so we weren't 100% sure I was going to get to hold her. Otherwise her vitals were stable. Her tube feeds increased to 9ml ever 3 hours, with no residuals. She weight 1lb and 9 oz today.

Both kids were sleeping so we didn't bother waking them up to see Abby. Instead Bill and I started our care time. Changed her diaper and took her temperature. Abby's temperature was high enough that I could hold her so the nurses gathered up all her tubes, lines etc. and put her tiny body on my chest. It was the most amazing feeling holding my daughter for the first time.

Unfortunately, I only got to hold her for a short period of time as Abby's heart rate kept dropping into the 60's and she stopped breathing. We had to rub her back to stimulate her to take a breath. Her temperature also dropped when I was holding her. We weren't sure if her temperature dropping is what caused her to have bradycardia episodes or not. Either way she had to go back into her isolate quickly to get stabilized. Bill and I did get to place our hands on her back and do touch time for about five more minutes until we had to leave.

My emotions definitely took over after that event. I was so sad that I didn't get to hold her and that I was the problem she didn't do well.

So in love with my beautiful peanut!

Family photo with my double chin.....

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Day 6 in NICU

September 26th 2015

Day 6 in NICU

26 weeks and 1 day old

I was so anxious to see Abby today. I called the nurse as early as I could to figure out what would be the best time to see Abby today. Abby remained stable over night with no changes. After Dr. Su rounded in the am they increased her tube feedings to 6ml every 3 hours. She is doing well with her feedings and has gained some weight today. She was 1 lb 11oz. Her weight will fluctuate as sometimes they weigh her with her CPAP on and other times they get the opportunity to take it off. 

Megan was Abby's NICU nurse today and we really bonded with her. She also had a baby early and we had similar stories. Her son is 6 years old now and had his first soccer game today. She was such a sweet and carrying nurse. 

We knew today going up to see Abby that there was a possibility of us getting to hold her and Bill and I were so excited. When we arrived we took Abby's temperature and changed her diaper together. Then we got ready to hold Abby Rose for the first time. I really wanted Bill to have the honors of holding his precious little girl for the first time. Plus daddy's are the best to snuggle with. Bill was very nervous at first but once he got her on his chest his smile said everything. It was such a special moment as parents and I will cherish today forever. 

Skin-to-skin care has so many benefits that we didn't know about. It really can improve babies outcome so it's important to do it as much as possible. They want parents to hold baby for a minimum of an hour each time and as close to the skin as possible. Moving baby to much can be overwhelming for baby and he/she may not tolerate it, so once they get settled on your chest it's best to keep them there for as long as you can or baby tolerates it. Abby snuggled right into Bill's chest and fell asleep. Such an amazing site to see and she tolerated it so well-in fact her vital signs improved.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Day 5 in NICU

September 25th 2015

Day 5 in NICU

Abigail Rose is 26 weeks today!

Today I have been very emotional. It's the first day I haven't seen Abby. I'm also in a lot of pain, my feet and ankles are swollen, I'm physically tired and my mom left this afternoon. I have cried so many times today I have lost count. You can say my hormones have kicked in!

Abby on the other hand is doing really well. I have spoken to her wonderful nurse Brandi twice and she gave us a very detailed update. (trying to learn all the nurses names as we will be living in the NICU for 100+ days). Also, Dr. Su the physician who took her after delivered gave us an uplifted report as well. Abby had 4 apnea events this morning but after she got her morning latte aka caffeine she has done great. She responds well to the caffeine and they may add an evening caffeine dose to help her remember to breath. This is not uncommon at her age to forget to breath as their brains are immature. She is still going strong on the CPAP machine and on room air. Her feedings also are going well and she has had no residuals again today so they will be increasing her feedings to 4ml every 3 hours. It is important to introduce feedings slow to decrease her chances of getting bowel problems such as the necrotizing enterocolitis which is the death of tissue in the intestines. She will continue to get TPN and lipids in her PICC line until she is on full feeds. She has had two bowel movements today and has gained 10 grams! 

It has been so good to be home but overwhelming as well. Every feedings takes an hour or longer as I  have to wash and sanitize everything, label and freeze in small amounts. Trying to keep everything as clean as possible with two small children can be difficult. Trey thinks my breasts produce chocolate milk and asks me, "you making chocolate milk for Abby?". It is so cute! 

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Day 4 in NICU

September 24th, 2015

Day 4 in NICU

Today was a happy day. Abby had a great nurse in the NICU who explained a lot to us and made me feel very comfortable leaving her there as I had pending discharge orders. I was very happy to be going home but sad to leave baby Abby. Knowing she was getting excellent care made it that much easier.

It was a busy morning packing up my room full of gifts, flowers and pictures from family, friend and my kids. I was sad to leave the room but felt so good to get out as well. We went and saw Abby in the morning and she was doing well. They decreased her CPAP to 5 and she is still on 21% (room air), her humidity is still at 72% in her little box. She had a few apnea events again but with a little touch she quickly remembered to breath. She is doing well on her tube feedings, 2ml every 3 hours and finally had her first poop! There is talk about increasing her feedings tomorrow since she isn't having many tube feeding residuals. Since my milk has started to come in they also haven't had to use any donor milk-which makes this momma really happy. She is still receiving TPN and lipids through her PICC line that was placed yesterday in her right arm. They removed her arterial line today from her umbilical cord, so she no longer has anything going through her umbilical cord. This is great news as we will get to start skin-to-skin or kangaroo care soon.  Abby's weight was 1 lb 9 oz today. Hopefully she will start gaining weight soon.

Before we left to go home we rushed to see Abby during "care time" or as some nurses call it "touch time". They try to cluster all care at once to not over stimulate the babies. During todays touch time I got to change Abby's diaper for the first time. It was such a special moment for me. My mom and I  also got to see her little face when they were adjusting her mask. Abby is one busy little girl and she always has to be holding onto something.

Abby grabbing her tube feedings

You can see her PICC line in her right arm- so tiny!

adjusting her CPAP mask

Her little puffy face. The CPAP mask squishes her tiny face a little.

Her left foot is still a little bruised from kicking herself out of my cervix

Grandma Nancy taking one last picture before we left. 

Some family and friends have been asking if they can see Abby in the NICU. The NICU has strict rules on visitors and for good reason. Before entering the unit you have to scrub your hands for 3 minutes with a surgical cleaning sponge to keep infection, germs etc. out. Babies immune systems aren't developed so it's very important to be update on vaccines and good hygiene needs to be used during the visit. For example no touching face, hair, mouth and even your cell phone. If you do you need to use the foaming cleaner at the bedside. At this time only Abby's parents and grandparents can visits. Emma and Trey can visit once a week for 15 minutes but they have to show proof of up-to-date vaccines and have to take their temperature before entering. Emma and Trey have not yet seen Abby.  

My mom and I leaving room 13 with all my stuff

checking out of the hospital 

My words of encouragement  

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Day 3 in NICU

September 23rd, 2015

Today is Abby's 3rd day in the NICU

I had a hard time sleeping last night knowing today Abby would be getting her brain ultrasound to determine if she had any trauma or bleeding on her brain. We hadn't heard from the nurses and we are learning no news is good news so we were praying that we would get our prayers answered today. Visiting hours aren't until 10am in the morning so we had to wait.

We got amazing news that Abby's brain look perfect and their was no bleeding on the brain! Although, it could still happen at anytime we were told most damage will show up in the first 48 hours are so. Abby's central line that was placed in her umbilical cord had fallen out so I had to consent for a PICC line to be placed in her tiny arm. She remained on the bili light throughout the day. Abby's weight today was 1 lb 10 oz. 

Tiny little diapers for Abby

Emma had fun today at home face painting with Miss Samantha

Abby has been digesting some breastmilk with few residuals today and I have started to make some colostrum!
Blood gases looked perfect today. She remains on CPAP at 21% (room air)

Pretty in Pink Abby has good vital signs

Getting to hold her hand during touch time in the evening

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

First 24 hours in NICU

September 22nd 2015

First 24 hours in NICU

Abby is officially one day old today. She did well over night. Her oxygen levels, blood work and x-rays all looked good. She has remained on CPAP at room air and only had a few episodes of apnea in the evening but overall is doing really well. The nurses and neonatologist keep telling us she is doing really well for the first 24 hours. This journey will be a roller coaster as Abby will have her good days and bad but we are feeling so blessed to see her breathing on her own and wiggling all around.

Abby got her first feeding today. I have made a little colostrum and the NICU has added some donor breast milk until all my milk comes in.
Abby's first feeding
Her little feet

Proud daddy

They started her on a bili light because her bilirubin levels increased. She is such a cute glow bug!

Monday, September 21, 2015

It's a Girl!!!!

Abigail Rose Abide
Born September 21st, 2015 at 11:58 am
1 lb 15 oz
 Length 12 1/2 inches
25 Weeks and 3 days old when born

Soooo a lot has happened since my last post. Baby Abby decided it was time for her big arrival.

Sunday was another great day. My mom spent the day with me and the kids visited for a little while during the day. I started bleeding a little during the day and got the usual check up afterwards. Ultrasound and blood work all looked good. Around 6:20pm that evening I started to feel uncomfortable and jabbing pains in my pelvic from Abby's legs. I got some tylenol that evening and went to bed early. 

The next morning the uncomfortable pain started back up. It truly felt like Abby was kicking herself out! After talking to the doctor in the am we decided to take a quick look at my cervix to see if I had started to dilate. When she took a look she saw Abby's foot hanging out of my cervix! She was footling breach! Things happened pretty quickly after that. I was rushed to the operating room to have a c-section. Bill was not able to make it in time to see Abby born but thankfully my mom was by my side through the whole thing. She held my hand during surgery and took pictures of Abby's first moments.

Abby was much bigger than we all thought @ 1 lb 15 oz

Abby gave us a little cry once she was born. I couldn't see her very well but I did see that she had a full head of dark hair, just like her sister Emma. She immediately was intubated and given surfactant in her breathing tube for lung development. She was doing so well in the operating room that they pulled out her breathing tube and placed her on CPAP. The neonatologist said she was sucking on his finger-she was so awake. Her Apgar score was really good considering her age as well. She is a strong fighter!